Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why Not Focus on the Bigger Issues?

I recently read a blog about the differences between a doctor and a nurse. It appeared that doctors were concerned that the role of the doctor was being down played by a blogger, who stated that the difference between a nurse practitioner and MD was ultimately responsibility.  One comment that stuck out for me was made a by a doctor who stated "doctors diagnosed and nurses attended to the needs of the patients.” My interpretation was the realization that some doctors really view nurses (in all practicing roles) to be “the help” nothing more, nothing less. They don’t value the education, training, experiences, and the fact that some of them can go home at night because a nurse (in some cases a intern as well) is up all night caring for their patient and being their eyes and ears in their absence, which means nurses have to do more than just attend to patient needs in my eyes. As I read through the comments section, this conversation sounded very familiar in that nurses are having to fight for the title “nurse” as a profession, which has been evident through reports that some certified medical assistants or nursing assistants introduce themselves as nurses to patients. I wonder how many of these physicians who didn’t want the importance of the physician to be down played actually allow the role of the nurse to be done just that by allowing those in their offices, who are not credentialed, to be called nurses or present themselves as such. I believe that the sustainability of health care may be in trouble because it appears to be us vs. them at various angles, even though we are all interrelated in providing patient care. In my opinion, what we really should be focusing on is that doctors and nurses have different roles and responsibilities, and there are somethings we cannot perform successfully without the other.  The health care industry is in a major crisis, while politicians and insurance companies are making decision for physicians and nurses, we are having discussions that are irrelevant to the bigger issues at hand. I respect good physicians, I know as a nurse I am not a physician nor do I want to be. I like being able to meet the daily needs of patients through care and education, as a trained registered nurse. What do you make of the doctors vs. nurses discussions?

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